This page brings together the key documents that come from What We Did, including all the consultation, the artists’ commissions and the work with young people.
Rather than one big document, we have created six separate papers which break down the proposals:
The Final Recommendations – this paper sets out the objectives and recommendations for building culture in Peterborough over the next 10 years. It also contains the nine performance measures we will use to measure progress.
Vision and values – as the What We Did page sets out, we agreed our overall vision and values back in December 2020. They haven’t changed, and they will inform all the work envisaged in the recommendations.
The Leadership Model – a clear comment from all the consultation was that Peterborough needs resilient, nimble, inclusive cultural leadership to get better. We intend to establish a Cultural Alliance to do just that, and the approach is set out here.
Resources, funding and finance: change is not free. We have set out the resourced needed both for the Alliance and a proposed programme to demonstrate the Cultural Strategy in action. The money is not yet in place but, as we publish this, we are working on it. Also attached, at the bottom, is a document listing a wide range of potential sources of funding for cultural projects.
Action Plan and Timeline – a lot of the longer term timeline is dependent on complicated decisions about growth and investment. We have set out an Action Plan for the next 7 months, for which the first priority is recruiting a (voluntary) Chair for the new Cultural Alliance.
Resource Base and Cultural Infrastructure – there is a lot of stuff going on in Peterborough. This is a snapshot as at October 2021. If you think you should be included here, please fill in the form below. We will update this about once a month
If you have a suggestion to add to this resource base, please submit it using the contact us form.